A tropical rainfall produces very nice water droplets in the nature environment. Especially on the large foliage of palm trees and the petals of beautiful flowers. Mostly, the clouds after a shower disappear very quick and one can get out for the shots. I preferred the palms in a hotel garden and made the pictures before the water dries out on the leaves.
My tropical raindrop pictures were shot with my NIKON D200 DSLR with a NIKKOR AF-S VR 105mm, f 1:2.8 ED Micro Nikkor lens. All the fine tuning was made in Apple Aperture 3. The important part to shoot these pictures is a lens, that give you a nice bokeh for all the blurry highlight dots of the out of focus raindrops and even fore- and backgrounds. The VR function helps quiet a lot, because the shots were all taken freehand.
Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola
Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.
Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.