Samstag, 21. Juli 2012

Living Jewelry

 few shots from my actual work.

Some pictures of my 2011 Beauty-Shoot for «Magisches Haar» Hairstylist


My «Living Jewelry» pictures has been shot in August 2011with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 85mm, f 1:1,4 D lens, under studio conditions. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3. I made these shots for MAGISCHES HAAR Switzerland, as an in shop design of the hairstylists shop and for advertisements such as billboards, posters, flyers and postcards. The models were all amateurs in the modeling business and did a great job. All the little creepy reptiles came from friends, some of the guys are really specialists in reptiles as their hobby. The whole styling of the models has been done by the shop owner of MAGISCHES HAAR.

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.

Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012

Home Cooking Vol. III

A few shots from my actual work.

Some pictures of my "Home Cooking" portfolio. Beef Club Steak with Stuffed Mushrooms.

My «Home Cooking» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 105mm, f 
1:2,8 D VR Macro lens, at no time and effort, freehand and directly after serving the dishes to the table. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3.

Home Cooking Vol. III
Club Steak with stuffed Grill Mushrooms
Made with: Beef Club Steak with a South African Braai Basting, grilled to my taste, Brown Champignon Mushrooms stuffed with Tomatoes and garlic or Spinach.
Drink: I recommend Beer!

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.

Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

Veggies & Fruits Vol. I

 few shots from my actual work.

Some pictures of veggies and fruits for ZENA AG, Switzerland

My «Veggies & Fruits» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 855mm, f 1:1,4 D lens, under studio conditions. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3. These shots has been made for ZENA AG Switzerland, for a packaging design of a in-store display for the world famous Swiss vegetable and potato peeler «REX».

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.

Home Cooking Vol. II

A few shots from my actual work.

Some pictures of my "Home Cooking" portfolio. Spaghettini all a mode del Capo

My «Home Cooking» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 855mm, f 1:1,4 D lens, at no time and effort, freehand and directly after serving the dishes to the table. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3.

Home Cooking Vol. II
Spaghettini alla moda del Capo.
Made with Spaghettini, Olive verde, Sardelle, Aglio affumatico, Pomodori pelati, Pancetta, Capperi, Formaggio Parmigiano, Olio die Oliva, Basilico.
Drink: Vino Rosso, Negroamaro Primitivo, Puglia

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012

Home Cooking Vol. I

A few shots from my actual work.

Some pictures of my "Home Cooking" portfolio. Japanese Sushi and Sashimi

My «Home Cooking» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 85mm, f 1:1,4 D lens, at no time and effort, freehand and directly after serving the dishes to the table. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3.

Home Cooking Vol. I
Menu: Futo-Maki Sushi, Hoso-Maki Sushi, Nigiri Sushi and Sashimi.

Made with Sake (Salmon), Maguro (Tuna), Hotategai (Coquilles St. Jaques), Tamago (Spiced egg omlet), Shiitake (Mushrooms), Surim (Crab Meat), Katsuobushi (Shaved dry bonito flakes), Kyuri (Cucumber), Nori (Roasted Seaweed) and Gari (Ginger).
Drink: Chilled Sake (Hakkaisan Honjozo Sake) from Nigata Prefecture, Japan 

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.