A few shots from my actual work.
Some pictures of my "Home Cooking" portfolio. Spaghettini all a mode del Capo
My «Home Cooking» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 855mm, f 1:1,4 D lens, at no time and effort, freehand and directly after serving the dishes to the table. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Apple Aperture 3.
Home Cooking Vol. II
Menu:Spaghettini alla moda del Capo.
Made with Spaghettini, Olive verde, Sardelle, Aglio affumatico, Pomodori pelati, Pancetta, Capperi, Formaggio Parmigiano, Olio die Oliva, Basilico.Menu:Spaghettini alla moda del Capo.
Drink: Vino Rosso, Negroamaro Primitivo, Puglia
Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola
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