Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Home Cooking Vol. V

A few shots from my actual work.

A hot and sunny day deserves light and cold food. What else could be better than a delicious Cazpacho Andaluz. The recipe is easy and the result gives you a lot of mediterranean joy. Best with a well chilled and dry Jerez Fino.

My «Home Cooking» pictures were shot with my NIKON D3 DSLR and a NIKKOR AF-S 50mm, f 
1:1,8 D lens, freehand and with available light only. All the fine tuning of the pictures has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Apple Aperture 3.

Enjoy, Alfredo Briccola

Legal: All pictures in the «Onehundred ISO Photography» Blog are property of Alfredo Briccola. It is strictly not allowed to copy, alter or use this pictures for print, electronic media or other media without the permission of the creator.

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